Monday, January 5, 2009

Backbone of scrum project development is "Scrum Product backlog" key prioritizing techniques

Backbone of scrum project development is "Scrum Product backlog" key prioritizing techniques

Scrum Product Backlog Definition:

"The scrum product backlog is a jotted list of everything that needs to be implemented in the product and is the one and only source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product."

Why any software product developed in Agile (Scrum Method) consider Backlog with high importance?

Before building any new project we need to take a list of requirements that need to be implemented, it's like a to do. Developers life starts with a to do list, jotted down on a piece of paper. For simple and small pieces of requirements items, to do list may be all you need. But as soon as you have more than a 100's of requirements or tasks you’ll need a better system than a simple to do list and for agile method, we have Scrum product backlog.

Simple to make it short - Scrum product backlog used for

  • Requests capturing tool used for modifying a product, also used to new features by replacing old features or removing features and fixing issues.

  • Ensure the development team is given their effort which maximizes the business benefit to the owner of the product.

Wow, this gives good idea..! But what does scrum product backlog contains?

Scrum product backlog contains "A list of Scrum product backlog items", Scrum doesn’t define this product backlog list. But I have gathered information which helps in understanding "Scrum Product Backlog".

It’s pretty common to have items in the form of:
user stories, bugs, chores (representing work that must be done), epics (representing big user stories) and prototypes (a form of risk mitigation)

The main key factor for agile (Scrum) is prioritizing the backlog:

Based on the business values and risk factors all the scrum product backlog's are prioritized. Items or Requirements with high priority will stand on the top of the backlog items and other requirements with less priority will be ranked lower. This priority is based on the business needs so scrum product owner adds them to backlog items according to their priority.

Unique Properties of Scrum Product backlog and Scrum Product backlog prioritization and estimation techniques gives the product to market within short sprint releases.

Scrum Product Backlog sample Example provided by Scrum Alliance group member


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